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Funky Chord Mojo Tips

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Funky Chord Mojo Tips

These are some cool funky chord mojo tips. Some of the coolest chord work can be done with just a few notes. Working with the top four strings and only using two or their notes, one can do some serious rhythm work using this mojo.

Chord Mojo Tips

Learn the following chords up and down the fretboard. You will see that some of the chords sound better in different octaves, so experiment.

For some cool funky, mojo try these playing with a clean, dry tone, and with your rhythm hand, get your mojo working with a 16th groove.

Chord Mojo Tips

Use your fretting hand with some pressure and muting technique to build a tight rhythmic groove.

Start slowly and then build up to speed. Experiment with adding some effects like reverb, chorus, and or delay. Keep it real, and an open mind and have fun... Strum On!Funky Chord

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