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8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

Let’s Get your 8th note rhythm mojo working. Let’s face it. If you spend any time working in a band, Much of your mojo is playing rhythm guitar. Good bands want good rhythm guitar players. Oh, and by the way, the best lead guitarists have a great sense of rhythm. So improving your rhythm improves all aspects of your playing.

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

Here’s the mojo. It’s straightforward – you learn how to accent on the first 8th note, then the second 8th note, then third, etc., all the way to the last eighth note. Check out the examples, and it’s straightforward to look at; however, keep in mind that each accent has its own feel. So when you start combining them, that’s where the mojo starts happening. It’s surprising how different they all sound!”8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 


Practice with a metronome or drum machine. Also, think about palm muting techniques and ways to think about rhythms and beats.

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

This same mojo can be applied to working with 16th notes as well.

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

Here is a real-world example: Some parts with downbeat accents, other parts with upbeat accents, straight rhythms, syncopated rhythms, and that’s how that works.

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

8th Note Rhythm Guitar Displacement 

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