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Guitar Single String Mojo

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Learning Guitar-The Single String Mojo

For the most part, beginner and intermediate players learning guitar, it's easy to get locked into the pentatonic box of position playing. So here are a few exercises to break out of the box. The following sequences are played ascending and descending on a single string. One should apply this to all strings to maximize your mojo trick bag. 

Learning guitar

By applying this to all the strings on the guitar. The fretboard will start to make better sense and the boxes will merge together. This will open the door to some secret mojo and creativity.


Learning The Guitar Single String MojoThe following guitar exercises are in the Key of C. Use Alternate Picking and Start Slow -Then Build some Mojo.(note the fretboard fingerings)

Keep it real and an open mind and have fun... Strum On!

Do you know your Major Scale?


Chord Mojo Tips

Learning The Guitar Single String Mojo

Check out our other chord post:


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